
Youth development and training

According to the National Alliance for Secondary Education and Transition, youth leadership development encourages healthy adolescent growth by providing young people with the ability to analyze their own strengths and weaknesses. Their overall growth is stimulated also through the opportunity of setting personal and vocational goals, gaining self-esteem, confidence, motivation and abilities to carry those goals.

It’s clear as daylight that leadership development is a long-term process that involves everything & everyone surrounding and supporting our youth (from family, teachers, and youth workers to our community). In some cases, parents believe that everything will be resolved at school, but they are wrong and it is a proven fact, that family and community show a greater influence in the lives of young people.

As a member of the community and adding my own experience in dealing with teens, acquired over the many years working as a certified teacher for a local High School, I can say I have observed a stringent need for change. Thus, I have created a series of Leadership Development programs designed to train young people to act as conductors of changes in their own lives. I also aim at enhancing their communication skills, and to prepare them to better manage time, work in teams, start conversations, and much more beyond that.

The Dare Trilogy is a series of three workshops where the adolescents will go through the process of discovering what exactly he or she wants in life. I will guide them into discovering the possible obstacles they could face to reach those goals;improving their present personal skills while gaining others and also how to start planning their future.

I strongly believe that no one becomes a successful leader after just one workshop, thus I have created a program where teenagers will continue making a difference in their lives and in the lives of others. After graduating from the Trilogy, the participants can choose to continue training with me and improve their soft skills so they can become part of the staff that will assist me and other teens on future workshops.

My program as an ongoing process of assistance for teens who really want to change their lives and reach their true potential. We all have the virtues, I am certain of it, but it is very important for them to receive proper guidance and have their eyes turned in the right direction. Youth can be a treasure if managed correctly!

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