By Cynthia Lopez certified math teacher Miami Dade
In these days that we have had to live different experiences from the ones we are used to, I decided to venture into something totally new for me and for many of us, who do not dare to experiment. Perhaps because of fear, or because our mental limits do not allow us to cross the line, or who knows why?
The truth is that after researching in the internet, I discovered that many already are doing it. Teaching Math online is not as complicated as I thought.
Everything is already invented and created. Everything we require to succeed in this new adventure is there, within our reach. The main thing is that we possess the knowledge, and as teachers, we are already trained to deliver it. We have access to computers and all the tools provided by the internet such as Google Docs, Page Maker, YouTube, Quick Time and more.
There is also an application that I have been using for conferences for about a year which is an indispensable tool for teaching on line. is very easy to use, and allows us to communicate with the external world in a professional way.
As a teacher you will be able to:
For it to work you should always work with confidence even if you are new to online tutoring or have limited technical knowledge. Believe when I tell you that whatever happens will be to your student’s advantage.
On April 2, 2020 will be hosting a free webinar for teachers on how to get started on the application. To register click on Introduction to Live Online Teaching
The most attractive of it all, is that gives us the chance to connect with the most precious, our students.
I am sharing the link, of a video where a teacher explains how she has been teaching Math on line. It is easy to understand and follow.
Other alternatives for online teaching